“Making the decision to use a Communication & Design Agency… Can you afford to? Can you afford not to!”
With the computer a staple in everyone’s office, it is easy to understand why you would consider developing your own materials and communication devices. Are you making the right decision? Here are some points to consider:
IMAGE – Consistency
Of course, no one is more aware of the image and message that you want to create than you. However, you should consider whether the communication devices being developed represent the overall goals of your company, or do they represent the individual needs and capabilities of each employee? What are the long-term costs to your image? An effective agency will be well aware of the strategies of your company, how it relates to each sales & marketing objective, and will produce materials accordingly.
CONCEPT – Form & Function
When conceptualizing your marketing piece, if you consider all of the options available, decisions can be made that allow you to produce a complete marketing packaging without jeopardizing your budget. The considerations include, but are not limited to: configuration, size, color, paper, quantity breaks, production options, and the flexibility of the overall program. An effective agency will have the information at hand to help you make the right decisions for your company without costly and timely mistakes.
COPYWRITING – How important is it?
Do your materials focus on the needs and benefits of your target audience? Many communication devices are created by the same people that have developed the product or services. When presenting, these people tend to focus on the functionality and features instead of the way in which it serves the needs and benefits of the user. What is the cost of ineffective copy? An effective agency will assist you in identifying these benefits as it applies to the needs of your target audience and competitive positioning in the market. The agency will have working relationships with several copywriters to embellish as required for your communication device. If a copywriter is not used, the agency can help direct you to write effective copy.
TOOLS – Software cost
The development of a professional printed piece uses software such as Adobe Indesign (layout and design program), Adobe Photoshop (photo manipulation), and Adobe Illustrator (vector art). These programs range in prices from $300 to $1200 each. They not only offer the tools needed to produce a professional piece, but also technically supply what a printer is expecting. An effective agency will have the programs in their software portfolio and uses regulary updated editions.
YOUR TIME – What is it worth?
What is the real cost of developing a piece yourself? Unless you spend the majority of your time doing design & layout, there could be a learning curve involved at your expense. Your time and your employees’ time costs money. Inefficiency costs money!
PRODUCTION – Other costs to consider
Once you get to production, it is important to realize that there are other costs that may be incurred that can range from fifty dollars to hundreds of dollars. This can be from additional proofs required, editing of content at the printer, and adjustments while on press. Although an agency cannot control changes that you may decide to make at the last minute, the ongoing quality control, expertise throughout production, and the relationship with the printer is integral in controlling your overall costs while on press.
IN SUMMARY – What to expect!
Of course this is a very brief review of some of the elements that effect your decision. If you decide to use an agency, you should look at someone that is interested in what your budget can afford, not what the agency’s budget can afford. Most projects can be achieved within a budget if the right specifications and parameters are considered. The job of a communication and design agency is to provide creative direction as well as provide you with an effective marketing tool that fulfills the objectives of your program.