With the economy fluctuating and rising employee costs, companies are struggling to continue with budget constrained Marketing Programs.

Do you have an established MARCOM department but need extra help with upcoming projects?
As with all businesses and departments, work load can vary. This can lead to staffing problems with larger overhead costs. By hiring a freelance graphic designer, you are able to supplement your MARCOM deparment on an as-needed basis without overloading your personnel costs, using more of your marketing dollars where it should be… IN THE MARKET!

Need to jump-start your marketing communications, but do not have a budget for an internal graphic designer?
Marketing efforts are important to effectively communicate your products and services to your current and potential clients. It can be difficult to justify a full-time in-house graphic designer which comes along with overhead, computer, and graphic design software costs.

A freelance graphic designer works with a variety of clients and production vendors on a vast array of projects which allows access to a wider variety of creativity.

When working on a Marketing Communication piece it must not only be an effective device for the client, but will also represent my agency and myself as a graphic designer.

It is imporant that I stay aware of new trends and technologies in the market in order to deliver a creative and effective design based on the parameters set forth by my client.

Some companies do not fall with the two situations above and currently develop your materials and communication devices in house with staff in place from non-designer positions. Are you making the right decision for your company? Visit www.isftb.com/decisionarticle.html for several points to consider.

It is my goal to consult with companies and help make the best decisions for each project, whether or not it includes using my agency for the development process. My goal is to ensure 100% customer service and satisfaction, building strong long-term relationships with my clients.

If your still not sure why a freelance designer could be exactly what you’re looking for, contact me and I will do my best to answer any questions you may have. – Monica Mizell